Escape! Menus:   Apple menu: About Escape!: - Shows the Escape! About window How to Register: - Explains how to register Escape! Help: - Brings up the online help   File menu: New Game: - Start a new game. Quit: - Exit from Escape!   Movement menu: Transport: - Transport the hero to another (random) location. Perimeter Weapon: - Use the Perimeter Weapon. Drop Mine: - Drop a mine at the hero's current position. Fire Long Range Weapon: - Fire the Long Range Weapon. Detonate Sizzle Bomb: - Detonate the Sizzle Bomb. Let Killers Loose: - let all the KILLER ROBOTS move until no moves remain, only use this when you're sure you are in a safe place!   Options menu: Sound On: - Check this option to have sounds, uncheck to turn sounds off. Configure Keys: - Use this option to change the keys used for movement, using certain weapons and transporting. Show High Scores: - Show the high scores. Clear High Scores: - Clear the high scores.